EXTRA, EXTRA READ ALL ABOUT IT! Wesley Prep 4th graders are featured in the People Newspapers! The article focusses on their recent podcast project: Wesley Prep Fourth-Graders Become Podcast People. Students turn 'Colorful Conversations' to keep Common Ground tradition going! https://issuu.com/pcpphp/docs/pc_april2021_final/30
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Colorful Conversations Podcast
Happy St. Patrick's Day Wesley Prep Panthers! May love and laughter light your days, and warm your heart and home. May good and faithful friends be yours, wherever you may roam. May peace and plenty bless your world with JOY that long endures. May all life's passing seasons, bring the best to you and yours!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Panthers: Remember to SPRING FORWARD on Sunday, March 14th. Why do we do this? Here is a little explanation and some of the "green" reasons for springing forward: There's an age-old myth that Daylight Saving was a practice adopted to give farmers extra time in the sun to work out in the field. But, that's not really why dozens of countries follow it. Daylight Saving Time (DST) is a system to reduce electricity usage by extending daylight hours. For eight months out of the year, the US and dozens of other countries follow DST, and for the remaining four months, revert back to standard time in order to take full advantage of the sunlight. On the second Sunday of March at 2 a.m., clocks move forward one hour. Then, on the first Sunday of November at 2 a.m., the clocks turn back an hour. A good way to remember it? The time shifts match the seasons: Clocks "Spring" forward an hour in March and "Fall" back in November. In the summer months, the sun is out for longer periods of time, so you can rely on daylight to avoid switching lights on in your home. The clocks revert back to standard time for the winter months so the sun can rise earlier and the world starts the day off with sunlight -- otherwise some places wouldn't see the sun come up until almost 8:30 a.m.
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Spring Forward
Throwback Thursday: In January, our 4th grade Panthers took on an egg drop challenge! After learning about the engineering design process, potential energy, and kinetic energy, the students' goal was to design and construct a vessel strong enough to protect an egg from cracking when dropped! The students completed three separate drops (6 feet, 9 feet, and the 2nd floor) and had the opportunity to evaluate and redesign after each test, just like engineers would do. See some of their ingenious displays of engineering below! #tbt #throwbackthursdsay #wesleyprep #WeAreWP #engineering #4thgrade #scienceisfun #STEM
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
Our Sixth Graders conducted a fun experiment last week using bottle caps, paper clips, and... the Earth's magnetic field! More specifically, the scientists used the simple materials to build their own compasses! The lesson ties in with their study of the layers of the Earth - including its liquid, iron outer core!
over 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
The WP Leadership Team has thoroughly read Governor Abbott’s Executive Orders and we have looked at the recommendations of the CDC, DCHHS, TEA and Child Care Licensing. At this time, Wesley Prep does not plan on changing any of the mask policies that we implemented at the beginning of school. We feel that all of our protocols and policies have kept most of our teachers, staff, and students COVID free and we want to stay the course. Our goal is, and always has been, to keep the school open and students on campus in a joyful learning environment. We also are aware that Spring Break is around the corner and we want to stay vigilant regarding our policies as students and staff return to campus following trips, outings, and increased time with family and friends. We all appreciate your support and the trust you place in us to make decisions regarding our campus that affect your children.
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Safety Protocols continue
WP First Graders raise money to help families impacted by the recent winter storm by selling "Birdie's Bark" in front of YLANG 23 store. We are so proud of these girls - their outreach efforts have raised @ $7,000! WOW! Thank you YLANG 23 for allowing these girls to set up shop!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
First Graders Raise Money for Winter Storm Victims
First Graders Raise Money for Winter Storm Victims
First Graders Raise Money for Winter Storm Victims
Studies show that music has a wide range of benefits for children. In fact, creating and listening to music can have an array of positive impacts - from increased test scores to better moods and enhanced coordination! Music engages multiple parts of the brain and body whether singing, learning to play an instrument, dancing to music, or just listening. Here at Wesley Prep, during music time, our students learn to organize movements in time as we practice motions and play to a steady beat. When we practice moving and playing with the music it helps our brains AND bodies! Have fun with your children at home by dancing, shaking a rattle, or banging on your pots and pans!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Music in the nursery
Music in MDO
Music in MDO
Music in the nursery
Ash Wednesday Morning Devotional with Mister Bruce: Dear Panthers, This is not what I had hoped for our Ash Wednesday. I had hoped we would be in worship, together, in Shipp Chapel beginning our Lenten Journey to Easter. There we would make the cross with ashes on our foreheads (ashes from last year's Palm Sunday) outwardly marking ourselves with a visible sign saying: We are the Children of God! We would talk about "fasting" and ask the question, "What are you going to give up?" Chick-fil-A (a huge choice)? I did cut a video for today for us to watch (like each morning devotional at Wesley Prep). But the power is out and with it my internet service. So here we are. This year I'm going to ask we don't "give up" anything. This past year we've given up so much. The purpose of a fast is not to punish or torture ourselves, but to remind us of how blessed we are. And we are. So, this year I ask we count our blessings. Our blessings start with our family. This past year it's been all about family and we've learned some things don't change, like love. These last few days it's been nothing but family. Beginning with your family, during this Lenten Journey, tell them, each day, you love them. Intentionally look for the opportunity to tell those around you that you love them and care about them. (Give some hugs too.) Reach out to family who are not nearby and let them know they are in your prayers. And make it so. Let your friends know you care about them because they are blessings, gifts from God. And take time to be a friend to them. Rabbi Jesus turned towards Jerusalem to give us the ultimate expression of love. Let's let this year's Lenten Journey be the same for us: an ultimate expression of love. We are blessed. God's Love, Mercy and Grace are constants. This year rather than a cross on our foreheads, let's let people see love. Love in our actions and love in our deeds. We are the Children, the beloved Family of God. Love, Mister Bruce
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Ash Wednesday 2020
Ash Wednesday
Muffins with Mom! We celebrated our Dads last semester with donuts - now it is Mom's turn! We provided students with packages of yummy muffins to share with their moms (or a special family member or friend). We love celebrating you!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Muffins with Mom photo
Muffins with Mom photo
Muffins with Mom photo
Muffins with Mom photo
Have you written down your goals for 2021? The First Graders in Ms. Holzrichter's Class have! Check out this fabulous writing assignment: "New Year, New Goals". We encourage you to do the same! A New Year's resolution is a tradition in which a person resolves to continue good practices, change an undesired trait or behavior, accomplish a personal goal, or otherwise improve their life at the start of a new year. Together we can make 2021 the best year ever!
almost 4 years ago, Wesley Prep
New Year New Goals writing assignment
Writing Assignment Display - first grade
New Year New Goals writing assignment
The creative minds in Mrs. Knowles' Fifth Grade Art Class recently completed projects inspired by Suzan Shutan - Installation Artist. The students used the Art Element of Form to create 3D sculptures from a 2D material (paper). Each sculpture took lots of patience to glue every piece together - resulting in whimsical creations that pop with color! The first photo is from Suzan Shutan's "Cluster Series".
almost 4 years ago, Wesley Prep
Installation Artist - Suzan Shutan
5th grade student Art Class
5th grade student Art Class
5th Grade Hallway Art Installation
A Wesley Prep Tradition - Fifth Grade Returns to Court...and Sleepy Hollow! See a photo below of the cast of characters! Congrats to Ms. Herring and her students for their fabulous performance. The students write an amazing play based on the Washington Irving story, "The Legend of Sleepy Hollow". They answer the question: what happens after the tale ends?
almost 4 years ago, Wesley Prep
Sleepy Hollow Play Fifth Grade Cast
"DO NUT" Forget About Dad...Wesley Prep Reimagines Donuts with Dads for 2020 (with some help from the Wesley Prep Dad's Club)! We provided fun donuts and encouraged our families to set aside a day to share the donuts or some other special breakfast and celebrate Dad or another special parent!
almost 4 years ago, Wesley Prep Dad's Club