Our first graders earn "Warm Fuzzies" if they are given a compliment, show kindness, or caught doing something amazing! Ms. H's class was already able to earn a "Warm Fuzzies" party last week! The whole class voted on their reward and decided to bring in a “Lovie” to learn with them all day on Friday! Way to go Panthers! We are so proud of you! #WeAreWP #wesleyprep #warmfuzzies #firstgrade
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
Check out our second graders exploring place-value concepts as they play The Exchange Game with money. They are grouping by 10s using $1, $10, and $100 bills. The students are also playing Spinning for Money. This game gives them additional practice to exchange coins and try to have the fewest number of coins during their turn. #WeAreWP #wesleyprep #moneymoneymoneymoney #secondgrade #mathisfun
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
The kindergarten owls love center time and can't wait to play with their friends! Center time helps enrich students’ learning while providing opportunities for students to create, explore, and discover something new. Students also learn to work together, respect others, and problem-solve during center time. #welovecentertime #WeAreWP #wesleyprep #kindergarten #centers
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
Guess what this Wednesday is??? It’s another Wednesday Waters for Wesley-Rankin drop-off day!!! Thank you to everyone who donated last week; the Wesley-Rankin Community Center staff were so grateful when we delivered our first load. If you are headed to the store, please consider buying an extra pack of 16.9 fl. oz. bottled water to drop off at morning carpool on Wednesdays during the month of September. During this time of increased safety protocols, the safest way for Wesley-Rankin to distribute water to the kids who come to the center after school and the seniors who come during the day is to provide bottled water. This is an expense that is not in their budget so they reached out to us! Elementary families, if you pop your trunk when unloading your child, the fifth graders and staff will help get the water out of the car quickly so we don’t hold up the morning carpool line. Preschool and MDO families, even though this is an elementary outreach project, if you would like to donate water, please feel free to leave them at your morning carpool entrance with the Wesley Prep staff on Wednesdays or Thursdays during September. Thank you for helping us help others in our Dallas community. If you would like to learn more about Wesley-Rankin, please visit wesleyrankin.org . #WeAreWP #wesleyprep #wesleyrankincc @wesleyrankincc #bettertogether
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
Water Drive
Meet the Wesley Prep sixth grade class of 2021-2022! Aside from being the leaders of the school and putting finishing touches on their education here, a large part of sixth grade life for our students is preparing for their next school home after Wesley Prep. One of the ways our sixth graders do this happens in their weekly classes with Mrs. Broer, where the students prepare for the ISEE test, participate in interview practice, and learn advanced math, vocabulary, and reading skills. #onceapanther #alwaysapanther #wesleyprep #WeAreWP #6thgrade #wesleyprepexperience #6MonthsThru6thGrade
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
Early Giving for North Texas Giving Day Opens Today! No need to wait to show your support for Wesley Prep! Please click the link below to donate. #supportourschool #wesleyprep #WeAreWP #pantherpride #ntxgiving https://www.NorthTexasGivingDay.org/wesley-prep
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
Our Monday-Wednesday-Friday preschoolers are back! Check out our Panther Cubs enjoying their first day of school! What a blessing they are to our building! #wesleyprep #wpfirstday #WeAreWP #firstdayofschool #panthercubs #preschool
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
4's First Day
3's  First Day
The primer class has been learning how each member of the group is unique and different. They designed one-of-a-kind t-shirts and created paper plate portraits to express their individuality. Way to go primer Panthers! #wesleyprep #WeAreWP #primeryear #GodMadeYouUnique
about 3 years ago, Elizabeth Bush
All About Me 1
All About Me 2
All About Me 3
Mrs. Kirkham's Second Graders are working hard in classroom Reading Stations! A reading station can be a physical area designated for a specific learning purpose. It is designed to provide appropriate materials to help students work independently or collaboratively (with partners or in small groups) to meet different literacy goals. “The more that you read, the more things you will know. The more that you learn, the more places you'll go.” - Dr. Seuss
about 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
reading stations in 2nd grade
reading stations in 2nd grade
reading stations in 2nd grade
reading stations in 2nd grade
Wesley Prep Dads know how to clean up! Thank you to all of the Wesley Prep Dads, staff members, and students for volunteering this weekend to help with the playground clean up! Adding mulch, power washing, re-painting the buddy bench, and adding sand helps to make our playground safe and ready for play! We appreciate your time and your manual labor. Thank you to the Wesley Prep Dads Club, and to Waldo Gonzalez and Jonathan Berger, our co-chairs! All of these events throughout the year are great opportunities to get to know one another and support Wesley Prep at the same time!
about 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Playground clean up
Playground clean up
Playground clean up
Playground clean up
Welcome Back Wesley Prep! We are so excited to have our amazing Elementary Students back in the hallways and classrooms of Wesley Prep! Looking forward to seeing our youngest panthers the first week of September. This is going to be a great year! JOY!
about 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
First Day of School
First Day of School -  Mister Bruce and Miss Linda
First Day of School
First Day of School
Have a Happy 4th of July weekend Panthers! Love, Miss Maria & Miss Rachel's Summer Fun Class! Have a fun time with your families and stay safe!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
summer mdo
summer mdo2
summer mdo3
summer mdo4
Watch Wesley Prep on the WFAA segment "Rise and Shiners" this morning! Spotlight on Mrs. Cousino - Everyday Hero! Lori Cousino, our fabulous Fourth Grade Language Arts and Texas History Teacher, received some well-deserved praise today from WFAA in their "Rise and Shiners" segment. The video is linked below and shines the spotlight on Mrs. Cousino and the incredible community outreach she has put at the core of her teaching for many years now. Way to go, Mrs. Cousino! https://www.wfaa.com/video/life/heartwarming/riser-shiner-surprising-lori-cousino-from-wesley-prep-academy/287-9e3add63-fdb0-4bc1-b517-8e57e56e3b0b And click on the following link to learn more about the Common Ground Experiment: https://commongroundexperiment.org/
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Mrs. Cousino Spotlight on WFAA
WFAA logo
Colorful Conversations Podcast
Wesley Prep celebrated our Sixth Graders this morning! Our upcoming 2021 graduates were honored with a parade. All of the WP elementary school students and teachers are cheering you on - we are so proud of you and all of your accomplishments! ONCE A PANTHER, ALWAYS A PANTHER!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
sixth grader reveal parade
sixth grader reveal parade
sixth grader reveal parade
sixth grader reveal parade
COME TOGETHER RIGHT NOW FOR WESLEY PREP! To make this year's auction a success, we need your participation and support! We all need a little help from our friends! Please log in to our online auction site at https://one.bidpal.net/wp2021/welcome BID HIGH AND BID OFTEN - It's for the kids! Now through Friday! All we need is LOVE, LOVE is all we need. Thank you in advance for your support.
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Come Together for WP!
Celebrate Earth Day! The Earth is something we all have in common. Happy Earth Day Wesley Prep!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Earth Day!
Spring has finally sprung and the MDO students are enjoying their time outside! Outdoor play is essential for large muscle development and aerobic conditioning with the open space to run, ride, and explore. The outdoor playground also offers many opportunities for social emotional exercise as the children navigate sharing, creative play and transitioning between different environments with confidence.
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
MDO on the playground
MDO on the playground
MDO on the playground
MDO on the playground
Wesley Prep Fourth Graders are on their way to Austin this morning to culminate their year of studying Texas history. They will visit the State Capital, the Bob Bullock Museum, and Inner Space Caverns, among other exciting stops. Thank you to our fabulous teachers and parent chaperones for helping to make this important trip happen this year. Mister Bruce was on campus to send the students off with a prayer. First stop of the day was the CZECH STOP in West, Texas for yummy kolaches!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
4th grade Austin trip
4th grade Austin trip
4th grade Austin trip
4th grade Austin trip
WP 5th and 6th Graders headed to Camp Classen in Oklahoma early this morning! We feel blessed to be able to take these students on this important trip this year. This environmental camp experience instills an appreciation for the beauty of creation. Students study plant and animal life in a variety of ways: hikes, horseback rides, trips around the lake in a canoe. They dig for fossils, engage in many group-building activities, meal times and evenings are filled with skits, devotions, and other activities. This trip instills the importance of stewardship of all that God has given us both in our relationships and our environment. It also encompasses curriculum objectives in earth and life science. Thank you to our teachers, staff, and parent volunteers for helping make this trip a huge success!
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Camp Classen send off
Camp Classen send off
Camp Classen send off
Camp Classen send off
Beautiful and Colorful Self-Portraits created by Wesley Prep Pre-K Artists! Students used tissue paper and water to create a colorful background while practicing how to take care of a paintbrush. They used a marker to create a self portrait on top of their colorful backgrounds.
over 3 years ago, Wesley Prep
Pre-K self portrait
Pre-K self portrait
Pre-K self portrait